A few things we are working on this month:
Registrations Registrations are coming in daily as classes fill up for the summer. We anticipate a full house for most classes again this year. Please review this site for all the information and click the "Registration" link above to register. We look forward to sailing with you and your kids in 2018. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] Junior Sailing Counselor Training We will once again be having trainers from US Sailing coming to the Club this spring to train a number of our junior sailors to become Sailing Counselors. Becoming a counselor is the first step to becoming an instructor at SLSC and is open to juniors who are turning 14 or older this year. Counselors volunteer the sailing school instructors throughout the summer as they are available. It is a great way for us to introduce juniors to the process of teaching sailing so that they can see if they like it and we can begin training them for eventually becoming instructors once they become Level 1 instructor certified. For more information you can visit US Sailing at http://www.ussailing.org/education/sbinstructor/sailingcounselor/ or contact Mark Welcome with questions. US Sailing Level 1 Instructor Training We also have a couple of requests for also running a US Sailing level 1 instructor course at the Club this year. This is open to both juniors (age 16 and above) and adults. We are very fortunate at SLSC to have a large number of members who are certified and who assist us with teaching the many adult programs we run every year. We need 6 people to make the course a reality, so please let Mark Welcome know if you might be interested. You can also visit http://www.ussailing.org/education/sbinstructor/level1-instructor/ for more information.
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I just wanted to let everyone know that we had some technical difficulties during the transition to the new web site and new e-mail server. If you have sent anything to the [email protected] in the last week or so and have not heard back, most likely it was bounced and we never saw it. I apologize for the issues, but ask that you please just resend the e-mail so that we can take care of your questions/requests. Registrations were not affected.
I will take this opportunity to let you know that classes are filling up nicely for the summer season, so please take this opportunity to click the "Register" link above to reserve the spots for you and/or your kids spots for the 2018 season. Only about 12 weeks until the docks are in! We look forward to seeing you on the water Mark Welcome |